Price / 30,000~100,000
基本視力#5 / Boney Look#5
基本視力#5 / Boney Look#5 90x90cm/40x40cm
基本視力#6 / Boney Look#6
基本視力#6 / Boney Look#6 90x90cm/40x40cm
基本視力#7 / Boney Look#7
基本視力#7 / Boney Look#7 90x90cm/40x40cm
基本視力#8 / Boney Look#8
基本視力#8 / Boney Look#8 90x90cm/40x40cm
基本視力#9 / Boney Look#9
基本視力#9 / Boney Look#9 90x90cm/40x40cm
基本視力#10 / Boney Look#10
基本視力#10 / Boney Look#10 90x90cm/40x40cm
基本視力#11 / Boney Look#11
基本視力#11 / Boney Look#11 90x90cm/40x40cm
基本視力#12 / Boney Look#12
基本視力#12 / Boney Look#12 90x90cm/40x40cm
Untitled - Portrait of a girl
Untitled - Portrait of a girl 喬西 73 x 60 cm NTD 40,000
Untitled - Depiction of a woman and two men
Untitled - Depiction of a woman and two men 喬西 92 x 73 cm NTD 60,000
Untitled - Depiction of three people
Untitled - Depiction of three people 喬西 130x 85 cm NTD 100,000
山之巔 The top of amountain
山之巔 The top of amountain 72.5x60.5 私人收藏
原野上的蜿蜒小徑 Trees and Wandering Path
原野上的蜿蜒小徑 Trees and Wandering Path 60.5×72.5cm 私人收藏
樹與浮雲 Trees and Clouds
樹與浮雲 Trees and Clouds 60.5×72.5cm 私人收藏
我的青銅時代 范睿晨 50x20x12cm 私人收藏
沒完沒了的故事-喵 范睿晨 16x16x40cm NTD 50,000